Tuesday, January 22, 2008

You can't beat free...right?

The best First Person Shooter ever is Wolfenstien: Enemy Territory. It just happened to be free, which didn't hurt, but it was the first good class-based FPS game. The best thing about ET was that the system requirements were low enough that nearly any PC made since 1998 could run it well enough to not be annoying.

The only other FPS I really enjoyed was Battlefield 2 which I played 'till my fingers bled. Now it was popular but you needed a decent system to run it well enough. BF2 was an oddity as well because it was a franchise that EA purchased and didn't ruin....until BF2142. Thanks EA but if I wanted to play Halo or Unreal Tournament then I'll play the originals and not some inferior copy.

Now Battlefield Heroes has been announced and at first glance looks great. Lower system requirements are meant to draw the casual gamer crowd away from their dreary flash game hell. They claim the game is free which when dealing with EA should be a huge red flag. The reason it's free is because EA can use the in-game advertising system they used in BF2142 to generate cash. They're also talking about turning the gaming environment into something like a social networking system. Also, is it going to be a copy of Team Fortress 2?

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