Monday, January 21, 2008

HD Disc War

Some people have complained that they did not understand what the whole HD format war was about and why I even gave a shit about it. This article summarizes the whole mess and how it really ended earlier this month.

The sad thing is that HD-DVD really is a superior format because it is a completed standard. Blu-ray was rushed to market because of HD-DVD and is still not finished. Which leads to the biggest problem of all; even though Blu-ray has "won" the war you SHOULD NOT BUY a Blu-ray player at this time. That's because the Blu-ray standard is still not finished and won't be until the end of this year when the Blu-ray Profile 2.0 players hit the market.

So if you must buy a Blu-ray player you must buy a Playstation3. That is the only FULLY upgradeable Blu-ray player on the market. So when Blu-ray Profile 2.0 is finally finished you'll be able to update your PS3 to play them.

So why does it matter? Well if you haven't actually watched an HD-DVD or Blu-ray on a decent home theater system then you don't know what you're missing. If you've got a $600 Walmart LCD TV and a Fisher Price 5.1 system then don't even bother wasting your money at this point.

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