Wednesday, July 2, 2008

WAH!!! Cry babies.

I read the blog at TreeHugger for two reasons. First, they actually have a lot of good stories about new and innovative technologies meant to make us all more "green". Second, they are a bunch of cry babies with no sense of humor and an over inflated sense of impending ecological doom. Take, for instance, this story about a skit that Top Gear did showing that the Prius was less economical than a BMW M3. Watch the offending video on their page, a normal person that has a sense of humor would recognize that as satire. No one in their right mind ould watch that video and be offended or feel that it was misrepresenting the Prius. But not uppity hippies, no they take this kind of attack on their beloved Prius very seriously.

I can't wait until 2020 because by then we'll be able openly make fun of the Prius and the people that gush over it. Today's Hybrid systems are mostly a success story for marketing firms and deliver little in the way of ACTUAL benefits from a ecological or economical standpoint. In a scant 12 years the Prius will look something of an Edsel.

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