Monday, February 11, 2008

Sad to sea.

I know i spelled "sea" wrong within the context but be'll understand.

RIP Roy Scheider. Sad news but all anyone remembers him for is his great performance in Jaws, which is sad. I remember him from a absolute classic movie that most critics ban as being awful. That movie was Blue Thunder, a kick ass movie about a silent and nearly unstoppable super helicopter. To hell with Airwolf, Blue Thunder was the shit. Well, except for the Blue Thunder TV series which was nearly unwatchable. Every time I go to Disney World and see the rusting hulk that once was Blue Thunder....a tear wells up in my eye.

Anyway, the thing I remember Roy Scheider the most for is his role as the captain of the SeaQuest DSV. This was a show that I loved and mourned it's passing. I'm sure that no one else watched this show or generally gave a shit but it was cool, kind of a Star Trek under water.

Anyway, sad to sea you go Roy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watched that show. I loved SeqQuest. I was very sad to see it go off the air.

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