Monday, February 18, 2008

Scattered Pictures

This story surprises me because I never imagined that Wikipedia had a spine but alas they have taken a stand.

I think its funny that Muslims get all bent out of shape over something has ridiculous as this, it really is an arcane belief. But then that shows the real problem with the Muslim faith and its fractured nature and resistance to progress. According to this interpretation of the Muslim hadiths you're not supposed to view or take pictures of ANY people. You think that includes videos of suicide bombers blowing up Hummers full of American soldiers? I would think that progressive Muslims would be more concerned with the radical members of their own faith turning themselves into human bombs than someone showing pictures of their Prophet.

Now I don't want Muslims to feel like I'm picking on them, I think all religion is arcane and ignorant. I personally get really offended when someone automatically assumes I'm a Christian just because I'm an American.

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