Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The smear begins

John McCain can sleep well at night and keep flashing that false smile of his in public because his hands are clean. But his campaign managers are the same guys that worked for Geroge W. Bush back in 2000, you know the ones that went to great lengths to turn public opinion against their current boss and then Al Gore. That staff only knows one way to run a campaign, the more dirty and personal the better..

This crack team has finally shown the reason they chose Sarah Palin for the running mate. She can wink and smile her way into the hearts and minds of the ignorant while spewing the dirtiest rhetoric about Obama that they can dig up.

So much for raising the level of this campaign, thanks Senator McCain. Of course his "base" now only consists of neo-cons, right wing nutjobs and rascists....maybe he's just playing to his base.

Palin wants to go back to trying to discredit Obama by rehashing the shit about Reverend Wright. Maybe she should keep quiet considering her very intimate contact with Thomas Muthee, the African Witch Hunter.

Of course Olberman is much more eloquent than I am on such matters...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha HA HA HA! Go Keith!

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