Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The choice

John McCain still claims to be a maverick when he's really just a broken man these days. Even the "smartest" of the GOP supports are running for cover now believing that Obama has this election in the bag. The number one thing that these refugees are saying is that Sarah Palin was the worst decision possible and has shown at best poor judgment by McCain.

The McCain (or someone else?) decided that they would stand a better chance of defeating Obama by picking someone that couldn't be more demographically opposite of Barrack Obama. The only group that Sarah Palin appeals to are ultra conservative, religious leaning right wingers. She has ABSOLUTELY ZERO appeal to anyone else.

Would McCain have been better served by picking an Independent like Joe Lieberman? I'll admit that I was still on the fence until he picked Palin as his running mate, then I jumped to the left side of the fence and ran. Which portion of the voting population is bigger, middle of the road independents or right-wing religious freaks? We'll find out very soon.

The real "maverick" move for McCain would have been to pick someone in the middle like Lieberman instead of 'ole Lipstick McCrazypants. But he's been beaten down by his GOP masters, there's really no fight left in him.

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