Friday, August 29, 2008

Desperate move?

Senator McCain has chose his running mate, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska. Do you hear crickets?? Although she does have that hot librarian look going for her....and she should be popular with the PETA crowd.

So there are two schools of thought about this.

  1. McCain is pandering to all the disenchanted women out there that can't vote for their precious Hillary because the Democratic Party is full of male chauvinist pigs. He needs those Democratic "swing" votes to make up for all the Republicans that are disenchanted because of Bush's reign of terror and are voting Democrat.
  2. Every other Republican out there knows that McCain has little chance of beating the Obama/Biden ticket and no one else is willing to commit career suicide by running for the loosing team.
At least McCain can't harp on Obama's experience any more, Palin makes Obama look like Jimmy Carter. Of course either way history will be made with this election, we're either getting our first woman VP or our first African American President.

1 comment:

Writer's Memory said...

I don't even think McCain gave it the old college try with this selection. The Republicans are screwed.

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