Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Stand and be counted

It is finally becoming more acceptable to not prescribe to a particular religious faith. That's not only fine with me but long over due IMHO. So come on...don't be afraid to say it...

Just because I don't believe in religion (not just yours but ANY religion) doesn't mean that I'm a Satan worshiping Nazi. You see, even the worship of Satan should be considered a religion and deserves all the same rights, protections and consideration afforded to "mainstream" religions. WOW! Somewhere an uptight, born again, evangelical "Christian" just had an stroke at the thought of that....and there lies the problem.

All religions can do good as well as evil....often in the same thought or action. The problem is that once you buy into a religion's dogma then you become a slave to it. It forms a rigid shell of inflexible ignorance around you and prevents you from being able to accept the fact that what you believe may be not only wrong but incredibly naive. There are good things about religion IF YOU CAN KEEP AN OPEN MIND ABOUT THINGS. If you feel the need to have religion in your life then respect other people's rights to disagree with you. Respect their rights to practice their religion....even if they choose to NOT HAVE A RELIGION.

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