Tuesday, September 23, 2008

True Story

A few years back (single, college days) I was moving from one apartment to another. Now I was known as somewhat of a slob but at least I kept my mess confined to my own bedroom and it was usually just dirty laundry because I would only do it once a month(ish).

So my mother and my sister were helping me load the enormous pile of dirty laundry on my futon into big hefty bags. A couple of feet down something appeared from within the pile. The object was roughly cylindrical, had an unpleasant odor and appeared to be wrapped in aluminum foil. Once I saw the foil I knew what it was; a La Bamba Super Combination burrito, no beans add rice and sour cream.

Flashback; One night I had returned home very drunk and sat down on my futon/dirty clothes pile to enjoy my delicious burrito. At some point I must have decided it was time to pass out and in that state I stashed the burrito, much like a squirrel, within the laundry pile for later enjoyment. Of course I forgot about the burrito until the moment it was unearthed in front of my mother and sister.....

That was my lowest point in my slob life, but my effort pales in comparison to this pig sty. This is not for the weak of stomach....I warned you.

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