Monday, September 1, 2008

I want your baby.

The hits keep on coming with Alaska Governor and McCain VP pick, Sarah Palin. The latest dirt is that her youngest son, Trigg, is really the son of Palin's 17 year old daughter. Oops.

The major media web sites seem to be avoiding this story so maybe there's nothing to it but the information on the web points to a really piss poor attempt by the Palins to cover this up. What does this say about McCain and the ability of his staff to pick a viable VP? This is what you get when you try to pick someone that is "outside of the box".

UPDATE: Just because they are now admitting that the daughter is CURRENTLY pregnant doesn't dismiss the oddities surrounding the mother's supposed pregnancy. Sounds like abstinence hasn't been such an effective method of birth control in this instance....LOL!

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