Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sarah Palin, a woman's woman.

So you've just been raped. Violated in the most personal and sadistic way, a crime so humiliating that some estimates say less than 40% of victims ever report the crime. Let's say you're a small town Alaska woman that has decided to face the supposed shame of this crime and report it to your local Police Department. The Police Department issues you a "Rape Kit" which is typically serves multiple functions. It's a investigation tool that contains the necessary equipment to gather physical evidence towards solving the crime and prosecuting the violator. Most of these kits also contain the materials necessary to test and treat the victim for any venereal disease that may have been contracted from the rapist. And here's the controversial part (if you live in a hut and sharpen sticks all day)....most of the kits contain a "Morning After Pill" that is used to prevent inception. So after you've gone through this hellish process the Police Officer presents you with a bill to pay for the services they have so kindly rendered you for being physically and psychologically terrorized....that'll be $XXX thank you, drive through.

Why would Sarah Palin, a woman, have such a problem paying for rape'd think she could relate with the victims just a little bit. You see, that last part of the kit is the part that right-wing religious nuts, i.e. Sarah Palin, have a problem with. They consider "emergency contraception" to be tantamount to murder. That's right, they'd rather see you give carry a rapist's bastard child for nine months than you take a pill that prevents an egg from forming into an ovum.

How's that for single-minded determination, aka blind ignorance? What's next? You can't take that antibiotic because it is just needlessly murdering bacteria before it multiplies.

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