Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Read between the lines.

These modern "Tea Parties" are seriously funny to me. Here are a bunch of idiots that think they are being clever or patriotic in some way by replicating a historical act of defiance by our fore fathers. The problem is that unlike that fateful night in Boston the taxes being protested today were put into place by the legally elected representatives of these people. Your protest is based on a false assumption...not unlike most of your political ideals.

Here's a great piece from MSNBC that was obviously written by someone very aware of the modern culture's meaning of "Tea Bagging"*.

*Teabagging - The forcible application of the scrotum (virtual or physical) to one's person, usually the head or face....hilarity ensues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AHAHAHAHAHA. The Re"pube"licans just f'd in the a. Can't they find at least one young GOP knows modern slang to help them out?

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