Monday, April 20, 2009

Mix it up.

George Bush is no longer the President of this country. The policies of his Presidency were a failure (mostly) at best and illegal/immoral at worst. Anyone that thinks that the ideals that ruled our foreign affairs for the last eight years were a good thing should really think about loosening that tie, it is clearly cutting off all the circulation to your brain. Barack Obama intends on engaging in talks with the leaders of other countries no matter how "evil" they were made out to be by the Bush Administration. You may not always agree with the idea of us having formal relations with a guy like Huga Chavez but the sad truth is that he is the elected leader of his country. The days of our government running roughshod over the rest of the world are coming to an end....

That said, Hugo Chavez is a tin pot dictator with a big mouth and an even bigger sense of self-importance. He's trying to mold himself into a modern day Fidel Castro....and how well did that work out for Cuba over the last forty years? Eventually his own people will figure out his narcissistic motivations and oust his ass but until him he derserves a modicum of diplomacy.

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