Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wow, this is amazing stuff

There are a lot of people that hate on Microsoft and bemoan it as a monopolistic empire. There is some truth to that but you also have to remember that computers would not be where they are today, which is everywhere, if it weren't for Microsoft. They drove innovation in software design for years and have had very few real competitors. There was a "dull" period when it seemed that Microsoft had lost some of that innovative "magic" to companies like Google but in recent years Microsoft has been investing big money in R&D via their new Microsoft Labs and Microsoft Research. I posted that amazing Telescope software the other day from the Research group and now its time for Microsoft Labs.

Watch this amazing video preview of their new Seadragon project. Its basically a new way to visualize, organize and use huge amounts of photographic data.

While Seadragon isn't quite ready for public preview you can check out its companion software Photosynth. Install the demo and play with it...its very cool.

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