Wednesday, November 26, 2008


What is the most watched television show in the entire world? Most Americans have this narrow vision of TV shows and think that only the shows we have from our "major" networks are really that popular. In truth maybe 100 million people watch the Super Bowl every year and that is about the most popular American broadcast which pales in comparison to the estimated 500 million to 1 billion people that tune in to watch EVERY single episode of Top Gear. The show is marketed in 117 countries around the world and there is no reliable way to know just how many people are watching but it is easily 500 million.

Here's a great interview with the stars of Top Gear about why the show is so popular.

I still can't watch the infamous "Alabama" episode...its just to painful to think about the fact that half a billion people saw that show has an example of what America is really like, it's shameful. Of course it's not as painful as the train wreck that is Top Gear Australia which recently finished it's first season. Man...they've got a lot of work to do on that one.

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