Thursday, June 12, 2008

Yada Yada Yada

Check out this cool countdown page. For those that don't know, the Large Hadron Collider is an enormous particle collider being constructed in Europe by CERN. It should be operational soon and will allow Physicists to stage experiments that would have been impossible prior to the construction of the LHC.

There are those that have voiced concerns about the LHC. Some are afraid that it will generate dangerous amounts of radiation that could poison the environment surrounding the site. Others are concerned that it could generate micro black holes or singularities that could tear the fabric of space and time......awesome. And those are the "normal" skeptics, the real crackpots think that it is being built by the Freemasons in order to tear a hole in the Van Allen belt so that Satan can return to the Earth to battle God. Seriously.

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