Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bite the hand

Preface: I've always liked Bill Maher, even when I didn't agree with him, and I believe that Religulous should be REQUIRED viewing for everyone.

Bill Maher has decided that what Barack Obama needs is some more criticism. I do agree that Obama appears to be more than comfortable in the public limelight but I have to disagree that, has Maher contests, it is all his fault. The man lives in a fish bowl, he is the most watched person on the planet on most days and our media is OBSESSED with him. He's also fighting the closed door, "man behind the curtain" bullshit that we had to live with for the last eight years.

Don't get me wrong, Bill Maher has a point and the lack of this kind of criticism of Bush's early terms helped contribute to his Administration's ultimate failure. I just think that Maher likes to draw attention to HIMSELF, nothing like a little self interest.

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