Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Gamble and Lose

Here's another story that just fails to tug at my heart strings. Don't get me wrong, I feel sorry that they're lost their jobs but how sorry am I that they lost their "life savings"....not very. I'm sorry but they broke the number one rule in investing, diversification. It's hard to feel sorry for someone that works in that industry and doesn't at least adhere to that rule. You invest your future in the stock market and you take a huge risk, period.

Above and beyond that there is still the whole problem that our economy is completely in the shitter because investment banks like Bear took huge risks with Subprime mortgages. Couple that with commodity prices being driven through the roof by nervous futures traders that spend too much time watching Fox News and you end up where we are now. Oh and then throw in an Presidential Administration that thinks they can just print more money whenever they need it.

I feel sorry for Barak Obama. He's most likely going to be our next President and he's going to end up with the worst economic situation this country as faced in 60 years.

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