The daily chum created by my brain while browsing the Internet.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Sad news
RIP Jeff Healey. The guy was a great guitar player and singer. He also starred in one of the greatest movies ever made, Road House.
If you don't like Road House I'll send my friend Laine to your house to "discuss" the movie's finer points. Just remember, no matter what he says Diggstown is still a piece of shit.
Louis Gossett Jr.s stunning portrayal of "Honey" Roy Palmer ranks in the top five greatest cinematic moments ever ass-eyes.
I don't know man it's far from his finest work. Who could forget his riveting performance has Col. Charles 'Chappy' Sinclair in Iron Eagle.
Let's not overlook his reprisal of that role in Iron Eagle II:The Battle Beyond the Flag
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